Journal article

Jun 03 2021

Globalization, first-foods systems transformations and corporate power: a synthesis of literature and data on the market and political practices of the transnational baby food industry

Global milk formula sales grew from ~US$1.5 billion in 1978 to US$55.6 billion in 2019. This remarkable expansion has occurred along two main historical axes.


May 16 2021

media scan of Cambodia

Media Scan: Cambodia

The BMS industry uses advertisements and news articles in the media to promote its products. This media scan of Cambodia conducted in 2015 highlights the prevalence of these promotional efforts, which often violate the BMS Code.


May 16 2021

Media Scan: Indonesia

The BMS industry uses advertisements and news articles in the media to promote its products. This media scan of Indonesia conducted in 2015 highlights the prevalence of these promotional efforts, which often violate the BMS Code.


May 16 2021

media scan Myanmar

Media Scan: Myanmar

The BMS industry uses advertisements and news articles in the media to promote its products. This media scan of Myanmar conducted in 2015 highlights the prevalence of these promotional efforts, which often violate the BMS Code.


May 16 2021

Media Scan: Viet Nam

The BMS industry uses advertisements and news articles in the media to promote its products. This media scan in Viet Nam conducted in 2015 highlights the prevalence of these promotional efforts, which often violate the BMS Code.
