Journal article

Multiple modifiable maternal, household and health service factors are associated with maternal nutrition and early breastfeeding practices in Burkina Faso (Kim Sunny S, Ouédraogo C, 2022, Mat & Child Nutrition)

14 Nov 22
Topic(s): Breastfeeding, Maternal Nutrition, Research
Location: Burkina Faso
Language(s): English
Audience: Policy makers and legislators, Program designers and implementers
Programs: Strategic use of data

This study identified factors that can be modified by interventions at the individual, household and health service levels to improve maternal nutrition and breastfeeding practices in Burkina Faso: High maternal knowledge was an important factor for maternal dietary diversity, breastfeeding and IFA consumption; family support and positive social norms were influential on the consumption of 90+ IFA tablets; and health service factors, such as timing of first ANC visit, 4+ ANC visits, receipt of home visits and counselling, were important factors for IFA consumption, weight monitoring and breastfeeding.
