Journal article

Willingness to pay for lipid based nutritional supplements for young children in four urban sites of Ethiopia (Segrè, J., 2016. Maternal & Child Nutrition)

11 Jan 16
Author(s)Joel Segrè, Kim Winnard, Teweldebrhan Hailu Abrha, Yewelsew Abebe, David Shilane, and Karin Lapping
Topic(s): Complementary feeding, Research
Location: Ethiopia
Language(s): English
Audience: Policy makers and legislators, Program designers and implementers
Programs: Strategic use of data

The goal of this project was to assess the willingness of parents and caregivers of children under the age of 5 to purchase a lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNS) for their children on a weekly basis. In February, 2012, 128 respondents from 108 households with 6 to 24-month-old children had the opportunity to sample the LNS in their homes. Respondents were then asked what they were willing or unwilling to pay for the product on the market and participated in a market simulation. Almost all (96 percent) had a positive willingness to pay (WTP) and 25 percent were willing to pay the equivalent of at least $1.05 (likely the minimum unsubsidized price) of the LNS for one week for one child.
