
Aug 17 2023

Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding Poster

Intended for use in healthcare facilities providing maternity services and care for newborn infants, this poster outlines 10 key steps to successful breastfeeding.


Aug 16 2023

Alive & Thrive Nigeria Maternal Nutrition Brochure

This brochure identifies best practices in nutrition and hygiene for pregnant and breastfeeding Nigerian mothers.

Oct 27 2022

Ethiopia girls discussion group

VIDEO: Building the future of girls: Alive & Thrive interventions to improve adolescent nutrition in Ethiopia

These videos present Alive & Thrive's adolescent nutrition intervention in Ethiopia, which included Amhara, Somali and SNNP regions. The intervention, co-designed with multiple stakeholders, including adolescent girls and their families, sought to improve dietary practices.


Jul 01 2020

Cost of Not Breastfeeding Advocacy Brief: Madagascar

Breastfeeding is one of the best buys in global health to improve social, health, and economic development outcomes. Globally, improving breastfeeding practices could save more than 820,000 lives annually—87 percent of them infants under six months of age.


Apr 21 2020

Profils nutritionnels de six régions du Burkina Faso

Ces profils nutritionnels présentent des données MIYCN pour six régions du Burkina Faso, y compris des données sur les indicateurs de santé et de nutrition, les causes de la sous nutrition, les plateformes de promotion de la nutrition et les soins de santé prénatals et infantiles, et les objectifs n


Apr 21 2020

burkina nutrition profiles

Burkina Faso Nutrition Profiles for Six Regions

These nutrition profiles present MIYCN data for six regions of Burkina Faso, including data on health and nutrition indicators, causes of undernutrition, nutrition promotion platforms and antenatal and child health care, and global nutrition targets.
