
Apr 16 2024

How to Store Donor Human Milk

This poster is designed to guide healthcare staff at human milk banks on the appropriate conditions for storing donor human milk.


Jun 12 2019

Investing in Child Nutrition e-learning course

Investing in Child Nutrition is a free, publicly available online course designed to provide guidance, skills, and practical information to health workers to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding and com

Handout, Poster/Graphic

May 27 2019

Centers of Excellence for Breastfeeding Map

A map of Centers of Excellence for Breastfeeding facilities in Viet Nam (updated in September 2023).


Feb 01 2019

Components of human milk bank processes and services

Human milk bank (HMB) services are an essential component of a breastfeeding-friendly health system. HMB services give at-risk infants, such as those born pre-term or low birthweight, access to the multiple benefits of breastmilk when they need it most.
