Announcement, Video

Lancet series launch

Launch of the 2023 Lancet Series on Breastfeeding, including the influence of commercial milk formula marketing

The Lancet 2023 Series on Breastfeeding launced on Feb. 8, 2023. Watch the full launch event.


webinar promo card

WEBINAR: Accelerating the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in West and Central Africa. Leveraging Experiences from Southeast Asia

The Stronger with Breastmilk Only regional initiative, a collaboration of UNICEF, WHO and Alive & Thrive, is pleased to invite stakeholders to a 90-minute webinar on August 22 at 12:00 GMT to discuss how to accelera


bms code

BMS Code 40th Anniversary

40 years ago, the world acted to eliminate the inappropriate and harmful marketing of breastmilk substitutes. With partners around the world, Alive & Thrive is marking this important anniversary with a variety of insightful articles and materials. Learn more on our BMS Code page.


Special BMS Code resources collection

Alive & Thrive has launched a special collection of resources on the BMS Code, featuring resources from various organizations around the world.



The Maternal, Infant, Young Child & Adolescent Nutrition Update newsletter

Click below to read past editions of the MIYCAN Update is Alive & Thrive's quarterly global newsletter.

December 2022


CONB tool

Cost of Not Breastfeeding interactive tool

Globally, nearly 600,000 children and nearly 100,000 women die each year due to inadequate breastfeeding. These preventable deaths, combined with cognitive losses, and health system costs of inadequate breastfeeding leads to over $340 billion in economic losses annually.
