
Jul 12 2019

CONB tool

Cost of Not Breastfeeding interactive tool

Globally, nearly 600,000 children and nearly 100,000 women die each year due to inadequate breastfeeding. These preventable deaths, combined with cognitive losses, and health system costs of inadequate breastfeeding leads to over $340 billion in economic losses annually.


Jun 12 2019

Investing in Child Nutrition e-learning course

Investing in Child Nutrition is a free, publicly available online course designed to provide guidance, skills, and practical information to health workers to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding and com

Job aid

Nov 11 2014

Infant and young child health and nutrition

Provides information on feeding and child growth and space to record child’s developmental milestones. Distributed to mothers in nutrition franchises in Viet Nam.

Job aid

Nov 07 2014

IYCF Counseling Cards for Community Activities in Viet Nam

This set of counseling cards used in community settings complements the larger set of counseling cards used in health facilities.

Job aid

Nov 06 2014

Guidelines for facilitating a community-based support group meeting on infant and young child feeding

Aims to support community-based workers in organizing and facilitating IYCF support group meetings in an efficient, effective manner.

Job aid

Nov 04 2014

IYCF Counseling Cards for Health Workers in Viet Nam

This set of 21 counseling cards enables health workers to counsel mothers and other caregivers about IYCF using a colorful visual on one side and supporting information on the other side. 
