Journal article

Nov 15 2019

Enhancing governance and strengthening advocacy for policy change of large Collective Impact initiatives (Michaud-Letourneau, I., 2018. Maternal & Child Nutrition)

This paper investigates expansion into a multilayered Collective Impact (CI) initiative and the use of policy advocacy in CI initiatives to address complex nutrition issues.

Journal article

Nov 15 2019

Real‐time evaluation can inform global and regional efforts to improve breastfeeding policies and programmes (Begin F., 2013. Food and Nutrition Bulletin)

This article identifies three main drivers that large initiatives should adopt to enhance their effectiveness in advocacy for policy change in breastfeeding.

Journal article

Sep 06 2019

Intervention Design Elements Are Associated with Frontline Health Workers’ Performance to Deliver Infant and Young Child Nutrition Services in Bangladesh and Vietnam (Nguyen, P., 2019. Current Developments in Nutrition)

Front-line workers (FLWs) are necessary to deliver large-scale interventions to improve maternal and child nutrition. However, low and middle-income countries (LMICs) face issues of FLW performance in service delivery, knowledge, and motivation.

Journal article

Aug 01 2019

Does health worker performance affect clients’ health behaviors? A multilevel analysis from Bangladesh (Epstein, A., 2019. BMC Health Services Research)

In this study, reseearchers found evidence for an association between health worker compliance and client health behaviors; however, small effect sizes suggest that behavior change is multifactorial and affected by factors beyond care quality.


Jul 12 2019

CONB tool

Cost of Not Breastfeeding interactive tool

Globally, nearly 600,000 children and nearly 100,000 women die each year due to inadequate breastfeeding. These preventable deaths, combined with cognitive losses, and health system costs of inadequate breastfeeding leads to over $340 billion in economic losses annually.


Jun 12 2019

Investing in Child Nutrition e-learning course

Investing in Child Nutrition is a free, publicly available online course designed to provide guidance, skills, and practical information to health workers to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding and com
