
Sep 20 2019

BMS Advocacy Briefs

These briefs provide guidance to various stakeholders on the enforcement of the Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes in Nigeria.


Jan 02 2019

Start strong for a better future posters

To further improvements in the health and well-being of Nigeria’s children, A&T, the Government of Nigeria, and communication partner McCann, launched an infant and young child feeding (IYCF) multimedia campaign in Kaduna and Lagos States.


Oct 23 2018

Nigeria nutrition profiles

Nigeria has recently made progress toward strengthening policies and programs in support of maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN). However, progress has been limited to specific states—and creating strong plans for implementation of new policies remains a challenge.


Jul 24 2018

Findings from the Lancet Breastfeeding Series: Implications for health, social, and economic development in Nigeria

This brief summarize the global research on breastfeeding and its implications for Nigeria. The benefits of breastfeeding go beyond individual health. Breastfeeding impacts the country’s social and economic development and has implications for reaching national and global health targets.


Jul 24 2018

Exclusive breastfeeding: The only source of water and nutrients that infants need for the first six months of life

This advocacy brief makes the case for the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, aims to sensitize policymakers on the value of exclusive breastfeeding and policies/programs that ensure mothers/caregivers do not offer infants any water for the first six months of life.


Jul 24 2018

Maternity protections in Nigeria: An investment in a healthier, productive workforce and a stronger economy

This advocacy brief is part of efforts to improve maternity protections to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates, health outcomes, and economic growth and development in Nigeria.
