
Apr 16 2024

How to Store Donor Human Milk

This poster is designed to guide healthcare staff at human milk banks on the appropriate conditions for storing donor human milk.


Mar 10 2022

education posters COE

Educational posters on Kangaroo Mother Care, Proper Latching, and Breastmilk Expression and Storage

This series of three posters, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam, provides information on kangaroo mother care, proper breastfeeding latch, and breastmilk expression and storage.


Nov 11 2014

Complementary feeding booklet for mothers

Explains how to introduce and prepare nutritious foods, offers tips on how to avoid and deal with fussy eating, and answers mothers’ questions. Distributed to mothers in nutrition franchises in Viet Nam.


Nov 06 2014

What to do about fussy eating

This leaflet identifies signs of fussy eating and provides tips for Vietnamese mothers on the feeding environment, food selection and preparation, and feeding methods to prevent fussing eating.
