
Feb 09 2021

Nutrition Interventions in Antenatal Care and Immediate Postnatal Care in Burkina Faso / Interventions Nutritionnelles dans le cadre des soins prénatals et postnatals immédiats

This brief presents baseline study findings on maternal nutrition in Burkina Faso. 
Cette note présente les résultats d'une enquête de base sur la nutrition maternelle au Burkina Faso.

Journal article

Dec 08 2020

Health staff experiences with the implementation of early essential newborn care guidelines in Da Nang municipality and Quang Nam province in Viet Nam (Morseth, M., 2020. BMC Health Services Research)

This study used interviews with Vietnamese health workers and hospital staff to gain insight into staff experiences with implementation of early essential newborn care (EENC) guidelines after participating in training and coaching initiatives.

Journal article

Dec 08 2020

The use of human donor milk (Tran, H.T., 2020. BMJ)

Infant feeding guidelines emphasize that breast milk is the best nutrition for infants.

Journal article

Dec 08 2020

Mistakes from the HIV pandemic should inform the COVID-19 response for maternal and newborn care (Gribble, K., 2020. International Breastfeeding Journal)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, policy makers and practitioners must learn from mistakes made during the HIV pandemic, when breastfeeding was undermined through isolating infants from their mothers, and formula feeding resulted in more infant deaths than the disease.

Journal article

Oct 08 2020

Journal article

Jul 17 2020

Nutrient Adequacy Is Low among Both Self-Declared Lacto-Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Pregnant Women in Uttar Pradesh (Nutrients, 2020)

Poor dietary intake during pregnancy remains a significant public health concern, affecting the health of the mother and fetus. This study examines the adequacy of energy, macronutrient, and micronutrient intakes among self-declared lacto-vegetarian and non-vegetarian pregnant women.