
Feb 09 2022

code quick guide

A Quick Guide: The International Code of Marketing for Breast-milk Substitutes

Updated February 2022!

This quick guide summarizes the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (The Code) and relevant resolutions of the World Health Assembly that help protect breastfeeding around the globe.


Jan 01 2020

Report cover page

Violations du Code de Commercialisation des Substituts du Lait Maternel

Ce rapport détaille les résultats d'une étude examinant violations de le Code international de commercialisation des SLM (CCSLM) en Côte d’Ivoire.


Apr 30 2019

Desk review cover depicting Indonesian woman breastfeeding

Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition and Nutrition-sensitive Practices in Indonesia

This report provides a clear path and guidance for the government and other key stakeholders to develop a national advocacy and behavior change communication strategy for stunting reduction.


Oct 25 2018

Roadmap for Developing an Advocacy and Behavior Change Communication Strategy for Stunting Reduction in Indonesia

This roadmap facilitates alignment, improves sense of ownership, ensures relevant stakeholders are involved, and sets an appropriate structure for the process of putting together the communication strategy.


Oct 14 2015

Literature review: Dads can do that! Strategies for involving fathers in child feeding

Alive & Thrive explores academic literature on fathers’ involvement in child feeding.
