Journal article

Jan 26 2024

First foods in a packaged world: Results from the COMMIT consortium to protect young child diets in Southeast Asia (Blankenship JL, White JM, et al. Maternal & Child Nutrition. 2023)

Forty-four percent of all foods and 72% of snacks commercially marketed for young children in Southeast Asia contained added sugars, a study by the Consortium for Improving Complementary Foods in Southeast Asia (COMMIT) initiative found.


Apr 30 2019

Desk review cover depicting Indonesian woman breastfeeding

Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition and Nutrition-sensitive Practices in Indonesia

This report provides a clear path and guidance for the government and other key stakeholders to develop a national advocacy and behavior change communication strategy for stunting reduction.


Oct 25 2018

Roadmap for Developing an Advocacy and Behavior Change Communication Strategy for Stunting Reduction in Indonesia

This roadmap facilitates alignment, improves sense of ownership, ensures relevant stakeholders are involved, and sets an appropriate structure for the process of putting together the communication strategy.
