Journal article

Dec 08 2020

Childhood stunting and wasting in Myanmar: Key drivers and implications for policies and programmes (Blankenship, J., 2020. Maternal & Child Nutrition)

Findings indicate that the key drivers of child undernutrition in Myanmar, where prevalence of child stunting is 28% and wasting is 7%, are multifaceted and start in utero.

Journal article

Dec 08 2020

Mistakes from the HIV pandemic should inform the COVID-19 response for maternal and newborn care (Gribble, K., 2020. International Breastfeeding Journal)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, policy makers and practitioners must learn from mistakes made during the HIV pandemic, when breastfeeding was undermined through isolating infants from their mothers, and formula feeding resulted in more infant deaths than the disease.

Journal article

Oct 15 2020

Journal article

Jul 16 2020

Early breastfeeding practices contribute to exclusive breastfeeding in Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Ethiopia (Nguyen, P.H., 2020. Maternal & Child Nutrition)

Data from three impact evaluations of large-scale social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions in Bangladesh, Vietnam and Ethiopia were used to examine whether early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) and non-prelacteal feeding are associated with increased prevalence of exclusiv

Journal article

Jul 16 2020

Early child growth: how do nutrition and infection interact? (Dewey, K., 2011. Maternal & Child Nutrition)

This study reviews how the interaction between nutrition and infection affects child growth in low‐income populations.

Journal article

Jul 16 2020

The challenge of meeting nutrient needs of infants and young children during the period of complementary feeding: an evolutionary perspective (Dewey, K., 2013. The Journal of Nutrition)

This paper provides an evolutionary perspective on why modern complementary food diets are often inadequate, asserting that inadequate diets and nutritional deficiencies have likely been a part of the human condition since the agricultural revolution.
