
Dec 26 2023

Ethiopian woman and adolescent girl sitting and talking outside home

Ethiopia Adolescent Nutrition Desk Review

This desk review aims to identify critical nutrition problems of adolescent girls in the age groups of 10 to 14 years and 15 to 19 years in Ethiopia and the associated factors based on recent studies.

Oct 27 2022

Ethiopia girls discussion group

VIDEO: Building the future of girls: Alive & Thrive interventions to improve adolescent nutrition in Ethiopia

These videos present Alive & Thrive's adolescent nutrition intervention in Ethiopia, which included Amhara, Somali and SNNP regions. The intervention, co-designed with multiple stakeholders, including adolescent girls and their families, sought to improve dietary practices.


Apr 30 2019

Desk review cover depicting Indonesian woman breastfeeding

Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition and Nutrition-sensitive Practices in Indonesia

This report provides a clear path and guidance for the government and other key stakeholders to develop a national advocacy and behavior change communication strategy for stunting reduction.
